Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So today I went out and got some new shopping supplies; burlap grocery bags, some brown paper lunch bags, and some reusable sandwich containers (we are heavy-duty picnickers around here).

I have begun paying close attention to what I throw both into the garbage can as well as what I throw into the recycle bin.

Recycling is good, right?

I saw a film on PBS the other night that says yes, recycling is better than right to the landfill but the recycling of plastics in this country is shoddy at best.  You should check out Bag It. . .

So now I keep things like sushi take out containers and sour cream containers and use them to put bulk goods in at the local market. It's not as expensive as you think. And ponder this if you will. . . how many times have you had to buy a $15 bottle of ginger for a recipe that needs 1/2 teaspoon? At the local food co-op you can go and buy 1/2 teaspoon of ginger. No kidding.

So it saves you money, wasted food, and saves on plastic and packaging waste. That's a deal.

I'm not telling you to go vegan and stop driving your car. . . just be aware. 

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