Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Introduction

I found this sign while touring thrift stores in Longmont Colorado about 9 years ago. And it stirred something within me. Just stirred.

Well, it hung on the kitchen walls of various places I lived. It moved with me, sometimes never making it out of the packing box before I moved again. My life took me places and this sign came along for the ride.

I found myself living in northern Colorado and I began a career in glassblowing. One of the products I began making was glass drinking straws. I was inspired in part by a woman who said that when her organization does a beach clean up the thing they find the most is plastic straws. The garbage on the beach was interfering with the sea turtle life cycle.

        Interesting. We all know that small things add up but- wow.
So I make straws and advertise them to my beverage toting clientel...
                   "Saving the world, one sip at a time!"
and       "Make a difference without making a sacrifice!"

And then I had one of those moments when one sentence changes everything. It shook me to my core- shaken, not stirred. . . Someone ever so gently notes that I was packaging my plastic-free straws in bubblewrap. Plastic bubblewrap.

So what kind of difference am I making really? I felt a little hypocritical. And so it began. . .

Now the sign hangs in my kitchen and reminds me everyday that- hey, I am somebody. And every little thing I do means something to someone somewhere.

Since my awakening I have a plan. Everyday I make a wholly conscious effort to leave the world a little bit better than it was, or would have been had I been in my previous unconcious state.

This is my journey. Because if something as small and seemingly insignificant as a plastic straw can make such an impact on the world- then surely something small that I do can make a huge impact on the world too.

I am somebody doing something. . .

This is the last straw. Follow this blog and be prepared to be shaken and stirred.


  1. How cool. Can't wait to read more. :)

  2. Finally! Yippee. Where do I sign up? Now, not only do we see your beautiful artwork but also your fabulous writing skills. Good Luck. Uncle Penny
